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My string broke, please help ): by chelle_bells 13 years ago

Does anyone have any ideas on how to extend the string that just broke? I guess I pulled on it too hard it ripped :( PLEASE HELP!!!

RE: My string broke, please help ): by morgan4733 13 years ago

push it to the back and start a new string where you left off

RE: My string broke, please help ): by collies11 13 years ago

tie it with the new or detatched string,make a knot thenput clear nail polish on it or a dab of glue. let it dry, cut off extras and resume creating ur bracelet.

RE: My string broke, please help ): by bluegiraffe1236 13 years ago

when my string breaks i try to make something different out of the remaining strings or i just throw the whole bracelet away...

RE: My string broke, please help ): by collies11 13 years ago

thats just a waste though

RE: My string broke, please help ): by cougrz38 13 years ago

there is a tutorial for this i think so you can have a look but like morgan4733 said, you just push it to the back and add some more

RE: My string broke, please help ): by Rachel_D 13 years ago

I usually tie it back on to the string next to it, and then do the type of knot it was supposed to be. When you first tie it on, don't do a double knot.


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