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thread name replies author views last post
Help finding a pattern please!:(
I had a handmade bracelet from an old friend years ago and it fell off and now I need help to find t
1 Emaunsell 819 5 years ago
by kleinevos
Need help finding a pattern
I saw a beautiful bracelet on Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com/p/BR80lh6AuGH/?taken-by=mastersk
3 Odanak1811 951 5 years ago
by Dai
Variation on zigzag pattern
I've seen a bracelet I'd love to try making but I can't find the pattern. It's made of 2 colours, zi
1 Franpod 948 5 years ago
by Franpod
Fourth of July bracelets
I'm trying to find patterns for these bracelets and I'm not having the best of luck. I have a like
2 Nekonyaa_ 892 5 years ago
by kleinevos
I can't seem to make this pattern, but maybe it already exists??
I can't find this pattern, nor can I seem to create it. Please let me know if you can help!! It's c
1 jjgumber 964 6 years ago
by kleinevos
Nail emoji design
Can anybody please design either the nails emoji or the polish bottle one? I want to make a bracelet
0 bplr 1239 6 years ago
by bplr
Glaceon Alpha Pattern Please
So I want to make my boyfriend a keychain with Glaceon , since its his favourite pokemon. I wanted s
4 AmlugielSama 1070 6 years ago
by AmlugielSama
Hi there i wish someboy make a troll pattern...hope you could grant my wish pattern
2 Pinklovekeithey 2168 6 years ago
by Pinklovekeithey
Lilo and Stitch
Would somebody be able to make a pattern for Scrump, the doll from Lilo and Stitch? I am not talente
0 greengoblin72 1575 6 years ago
by greengoblin72
Need help finding a pattern!!
Hey guys!! So I've hit a bit of a dilemma! I'm looking for a few patterns to pick from for a trial k
5 xLadyKira 1106 6 years ago
by xLadyKira

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