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Looking for this pattern number by pwagner3 5 years ago

I would love it if someone could tell me what pattern number this is: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqE7OTrn-pf/

Thank you!

RE: Looking for this pattern number by EdBlair 5 years ago

I don't know if the pattern is here, I looked for it.

The full pattern is 24 strings, or you can think of it as a 12 string pattern that is doubled.
Each section is 20 rows, and since there are 5 colors (two of which happen to be white) you have to go to 100 rows before the pattern repeats.

While not exactly the same, you can get a similar design by doubling one of these patterns:
#62734, #54909, #24678, #4410, or #20274
Doubling a pattern is explained in the tutorial (( How to... )) double a pattern

RE: Looking for this pattern number by Anyblia 5 years ago

If you really want the exact pattern, just send AZClaire a message, I'm sure she will be happy helping you :)
Some of the patterns she uses do not come from here, but she keeps the links of each of her bracelets.

RE: Looking for this pattern number by AZClaire (moderator) 5 years ago

This pattern comes from another site, here it is : https://vk.com/photo-130371228_456240245.


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