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please help me with this pattern! by artesanowl 5 years ago

I found this on Pinterest, and think this is amazing! does anyone have any idea on how to make it??


RE: please help me with this pattern! by kleinevos (moderator) 5 years ago

It?s mainly larkshead knots (or forward backward knots, that is the same) around a core-string.
The crossings are the core-strings knotted onto each other.

RE: please help me with this pattern! by artesanowl 5 years ago

ohh, I haven't thought of that! Thank you :)

RE: please help me with this pattern! by xier 5 years ago

I didn't get it? How to make the core string?

RE: please help me with this pattern! by kleinevos (moderator) 5 years ago

Have a look here:
This has the same structure.

RE: please help me with this pattern! by xier 5 years ago

Oh, wow this is so unique. Thank you for the link!


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