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Can Somebody Please Help Me Create This Alpha Pattern? by SourCherryXxX 6 years ago

I'm sorry for asking but I'm having trouble creating an Alpha pattern. I'm trying to make the logo for an AMAZING Broadway musical into a keychain but I'm not too familiar with Alpha patterns, and especially not generating them. I also can't really find the time to generate it myself because my grandparents just moved in with me because they are both in bad condition and I'm taking care of them 24/7. I'm hoping once we get nurses coming in every day I'll be able to make this!

I feel bad because I feel like this is a big request but if anybody could generate or help me generate the pattern I would greatly appreciate it!!! It's just a simple 2-color (red and white) pattern but my laptop is pretty old and isn't in great shape so when I tried to generate it myself my laptop bugged out and I lost everything.
Even just tips on generating Alpha patterns I'd be very grateful!

The musical is called K____ Boots
I'm not sure if I am allowed to include a picture of the logo or the full name since I'm not sure if it is against the forum rules or not, the 'K' is a giant red boot and the word may be considered inappropriate. Please let me know and I'll find some way to make it myself! (I hope I'm not violating any rules I'm sorry if I am)

If someone does decide to help me out (PLEASE), I'd like the version of the "Boots" under the first word so it's more square, instead of the long version, and for the words to be all red instead of with sparkles because it might look strange and be difficult to read

I'm sorry if this is messy or all over the place it's just how my mind works haha
I completely understand if the title of the musical violates any rules, I'm very nervous posting this.
Thank you!!

RE: Can Somebody Please Help Me Create This Alpha Pattern? by kleinevos (moderator) 6 years ago

I always use an app called 'Touch Mosaic ' to pixelate an image, and after that you need to adjust it to make a nice pattern out of it.
In this case I think it can be made into a pattern that is about 30-40 rows by 30-40 strings. If you make it smaller it will be hard to read the words. Will that be too big for you?

It may indeed not really be an appropriate word for this site....
I'll see if I can find time to make the pattern, and then our mod-team can vote about keeping or not.


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