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Bird footprints bracelet by frenchie63 7 years ago

Hello everybody!

I would need somebody to help me with a bird footprint bracelet...
I prepared 2 pictures that could help you but you can also do something else if it looks better!


I don't like my bracelets to be too big, so please don't create a pattern that has more than 20 - 22 strings ;)

(the last time I requested a pattern I met my best virtual friends ... never underestimate the power of friendship bracelets!)

RE: Bird footprints bracelet by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

We have normal pattern #17784. And it's a 1212 so it's easy to adjust a few knots :-)

RE: Bird footprints bracelet by frenchie63 7 years ago

Thanks, I hadn't noticed this pattern ;)


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