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Bracelet pattern not found / Motif du bracelet introuvable by Gaby92 7 years ago

Hi hi girls, i need help ^^
There is this bracelet on the picture I made a few years ago ...

The problem is that I have changed pc since and I did not think about saving the links of my models.
I have to enter the characteristics, I do not find it ...
I wanted to know if someone had the link and if she could give it to me please. I would like to do it again with different colors.
And if it was possible that the pattern was erased from the site?
I find some like # 6676 but it's not the one I want ^^

Salut salut les filles, j'ai besoin d'aide ^^
Il y a ce bracelet sur la photo que j'ai fais il y a quelques ann?es...
Le probl?me est que j'ai chang? de pc depuis et je n'ai pas penser ? sauvegarder les liens de mes mod?les.
J'ai beau y rentrer les caract?ristiques, je ne le trouve pas...
Je voulais savoir si quelqu'un avais le lien et si elle pouvait me le passer svp. Je voudrais le refaire avec des coloris diff?rentes.
Et si c'?tait possible que le motif a ?t? effac? du site?
Je en trouve des ressemblant comme le #6676 mais ce n'est pas celui l? que je veux ^^

RE: Bracelet pattern not found / Motif du bracelet introuvable by Arismende 7 years ago

Hi Gaby! - The picture is not visible, could you try to add it again, or to post a link? Yes, sometimes patterns get rejected, because users want them to be deleted, or because they were copies of already existing patterns.

RE: Bracelet pattern not found / Motif du bracelet introuvable by Gaby92 7 years ago

Hello, the subject can be closed, a person on a group had it in his pinterest. Thank You


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