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Bracelet Length with Alpha/Numeric Pattern (Not string length) by PugsNotDrugs 7 years ago

Hello all,

I'm trying to make a bracelet that has some letters, numbers, a heart, and some squiggles. I created my own pattern (before learning there was a pattern generator) and I thought I put in approximately the right amount of rows to make the bracelet the right length for the person, but I'm barely through the pattern and the bracelet is more than 1/3 as long as I planned. Does anyone know how to figure out how many rows I should make? I know it is based on wrist size but I haven't found anything that gives even an estimate (well I did, but I think it was wrong).

Basically, I think I want the bracelet to end up being about 6in long, but I can't figure out how many rows that should be.




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