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Bi-weekly Contest #176 - friday, december 16th - friday, december 30st by Arismende 7 years ago

For these bi-weekly contests a fairly old, photo less pattern will be chosen, and you guys can come up with a new color scheme for it. Pick the colors you think look best, make the bracelet, and upload a picture to the pattern. The moderators will then vote for the best bracelet.

Right now the only prize for the winner is that the colors of the pattern will be changed according to the winning bracelet - and, of course, the recognition and adoration of your peers and moderators for having a great eye for colors, and being an exceptionally good knotter.

* Please note that you may change the position and distribution of colours, but not the knotting structure itself to participate *

This week's pattern is: #51476

If you need some help with colors, you're welcome to use the tutorial about combining colors.

To post pictures with a higher quality, resize to around 500 pixels wide and use the flash uploader, located at the top of the normal uploader page.

Try getting your pictures in by Friday, since the mods will be voting on Saturday. The new contest will be posted on Friday.

Make your bracelet with whatever materials you want! You can even include beads or metallic thread - it's yours to keep. However, the extra things won't get you extra points.

You may submit as many photos as you like, but it must be a different bracelet per photo. Collages are okay for different angles and views of your bracelet. Presentation counts, though! A bracelet with a nice in focus photo and finished ends will be much more likely to win than a blurry dark picture of part of a bracelet. At least 2 repeats of the patterns must be visible.

Important thing is to have fun with it and Unleash your creativity.

Good Luck and happy knotting!

RE: Bi-weekly Contest #176 - friday, december 16th - friday, december 30st by Allison98 7 years ago

It's a very nice pattern! :)

RE: Bi-weekly Contest #176 - friday, december 16th - friday, december 30st by Arismende 7 years ago

It is! - I think kleinevos fixed it two years ago to make it repeat ;)

RE: Bi-weekly Contest #176 - friday, december 16th - friday, december 30st by Anyblia 7 years ago

So sad there are no entries :(
This pattern looks awesome...

RE: Bi-weekly Contest #176 - friday, december 16th - friday, december 30st by Arismende 7 years ago

Yes, I think so, too, it's sad! - Because there weren't hardly any entries in the last few months, we decided to pause the weekly contests in favor of a new knotting game on the site! - I'll comment on this later again in this thread here ;)

RE: Bi-weekly Contest #176 - friday, december 16th - friday, december 30st by Arismende 7 years ago

Sooo, the WEEKLY CONTESTS and MONTHLY CHALLENGES will be paused for a while, given to the reasons mentioned above..

BUT instead, our fabulous fellow mod Marjar just invented the Chain Knotting Game!! - Please feel free to join anytime and if you have questions concerning the rules or if you like to comment on this you can do it in the Thread for conversations about the Chain Knotting Game. Hope to meet many of you there again ;)


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