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Single color by champagnebaby 7 years ago

I want to do single color bracelets and i tried candy stripe pattern but with one color. and i ended up with curled bracelets. what i am doing wrong? what pattern should i follow? please help

RE: Single color by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

You can do any pattern, but forwardbackward- and backwardforward- knots will look messy if you like the backside as good side.

Candystripe always tends to curl because of the tension of the strings that are inside the knots. You could try knotting it with an intentional curl to the opposite side to compensate.
Chevrons are much easier to knot straight, as goes for any pattern that has same (or rather mirrored) left- and right-sides.

RE: Single color by Nelipot 7 years ago

I've made plaid patterns with one color. The balance of forward and backward knots keeps the bracelet straight, and the back of the bracelet doesn't look too bad either.


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