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Alpha Problem by raychballet 7 years ago

I'm making an alpha bracelet that is 17 lines long, when i realized it would not be long enough to fit around my wrist. Also, I don't want to make the rest my background color because the pattern is so close to the loop at the beginning. It is also 10 strings wide, and it's vampire fangs because of the show Vampire Diaries. I'm in love! Open to suggestions about any ideas make the bracelet longer.
Thank you so much,
Rachel :)

RE: Alpha Problem by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

Making more repeats is probably the best way in this case. Or: make a similar loop at the end and attach new strings onto both loops to make the bracelet longer at both sides of the pattern.

RE: Alpha Problem by raychballet 7 years ago

@kleinevos Thanks! So, for the second option would I just tie it off in a loop after the first repetition and then attach strings to the loops to make a bracelet, so the pattern is in the middle? Do you think I could do some alpha lettering or would it be too much?

RE: Alpha Problem by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

That's what I meant. It's up to you to choose what to do with the attached strings :-)

RE: Alpha Problem by raychballet 7 years ago

ok, I think I'll just repeat the pattern, but I'll keep that in mind, it's a really good idea.


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