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Alpha bracelets multiple colours by kico5061 7 years ago

Hello everyone, I was wondering how you do multiple colours on alpha bracelets. I have a pattern I want to do but I am very confused

RE: Alpha bracelets multiple colours by kico5061 7 years ago

RE: Alpha bracelets multiple colours by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

Our tutorial for alphas is here.
The method that usually gives the best results is the substitution method.

RE: Alpha bracelets multiple colours by greengrl26 7 years ago

It does seem pretty tricky, but do look at the tutorial kleinevos posted. The substitution method is nice.
I know it seems confusing, but you just gotta practice. The more you do it, the more sense it will make and the easier it will become. I am making my first multi-colored bracelet, and I'm gettin the hang of it finally. Lol. I suggest starting with a pattern with just 3 colors. Then work your way up. Good luck!

RE: Alpha bracelets multiple colours by VianneyCreates 7 years ago

I have a youtube video in doing regular alphas and multi-colored alphas. Just look for alpha bracelet VianneyCreates, and it should pop up. I think sometimes seeing things in action help!


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