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bracelet Question by kat606 7 years ago

hi i have been busy working and learning all kinds of fancy bracelets and for once i never thought of selling them, that is until a friend mentioned i should. my main question here is how much would u charge for big and small bracelets?

thanks Kat.

RE: bracelet Question by meercatred 7 years ago

I've seen people charge up to ?5 for 20 strings, bit if I were you id go for ?1 for small, ?1.50 medium and ?2-3 for big, might get more people interested.

RE: bracelet Question by wildcattz98 7 years ago

If I were you, id see how much the material costs and how long it takes to make the bracelet and base the price off of those numbers!

RE: bracelet Question by Allison98 7 years ago

It also depends on what you call a "big" bracelet. 10 strings? 20 strings? 50+ strings?

RE: bracelet Question by Siurell 7 years ago

Support wildkatz98 and I add the ARTISANAL and unique character, that leads me to say that , don't sell standard and easy . Make request and submit it with of bracelets rarely seen on the market. Pricing according to difficulty or number of knots , colors , etc ,

RE: bracelet Question by Marjar 7 years ago

Apart from all the soggested above, you should consider as well all the commisions that the page you'll sell them on may charge, as well as some payment methods do, such as Paypal


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