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Rope pattern .. 9 slot loom? by Joshatdot 7 years ago

Hello, I found this place via Google, and reddit.

I've seen a number of YT videos about making FS bracelets. The one I want to start out is a Rope pattern/style bracelet. Now all the YT videos say to use 8 strings, tie them in a knot .. and cut one of them. And to make a loom you only need 8 slots.

I was wondering, could I make a 9 slot loom, and use all 8 strings?

RE: Rope pattern .. 9 slot loom? by Freigeist 7 years ago

I understand what you're talking about, it's a way to make kumihimos. But I don't think it will work with 8 string... it only works with odd numbers (7, 9, 11...)

RE: Rope pattern .. 9 slot loom? by Freigeist 7 years ago

with 8 strings, you can try regular kumihimos, with a 36 slots disk.

RE: Rope pattern .. 9 slot loom? by Joshatdot 7 years ago

Oh .. those Kumihimo's are more advanced than I was thinking. I was going to start out with the simple 7 string, 8 slot loom .. 1-2-3, move one string, 1-2-3, move one string, etc.

I was just wondering why can't be made with all 8 strings.

RE: Rope pattern .. 9 slot loom? by Freigeist 7 years ago

because it won't make a rope :) it will be a mess... I tried long ago, it doesn't work :(

RE: Rope pattern .. 9 slot loom? by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

Is this the type of bracelet you mean?
I don't see why it can't be done with other amounts of strings. It will maybe be less round, and it will flatten when you use too many strings. But it should technically be possible.
Just try it, and you'll see for yourself.

RE: Rope pattern .. 9 slot loom? by Joshatdot 7 years ago

Thanks, whelp after I try making a couple of 7 string, I'll venture in other patterns =)


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