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Can't find this pattern... by Freigeist 8 years ago

Long ago, I began this bracelet:

And I can't find its pattern anymore.
Can someone help me please?..

RE: Can't find this pattern... by Sammoning (moderator) 8 years ago

It might be #88764 ?

I'll gladly continue looking if this isnt the right one, but it would help if you could specify the amount of strings and colors :)

RE: Can't find this pattern... by Freigeist 8 years ago

I think it is this one :) thanks :D I know I didn't use the same number of colours as in the original pattern, and this one really looks like my bracelet, and ha the right number of strings.
Thank you :D

RE: Can't find this pattern... by Sammoning (moderator) 8 years ago

You're welcome! Checking patterns is something we mods do alot, and that experience helps me alot to find things here :)


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