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Help shortening a bracelet!!! by Ukiedancer 8 years ago

Hey everyone! So I just made A63095 and it's way too long for my wrist. I don't want to rip out any rows because the pattern's too awesome, but I don't know how to make it smaller to fit. I still have base threads at the bottom and the top of the bracelet. Does anyone have any ideas how I can make the bracelet shorter without losing any of the knotting?

RE: Help shortening a bracelet!!! by kleinevos (moderator) 8 years ago

Maybe you can extend the bracelet and wrap it around your wrist twice. That's all I can think of if you don't want it to be shorter.

RE: Help shortening a bracelet!!! by Ukiedancer 8 years ago

Ok, but how would I secure it on my wrist?

RE: Help shortening a bracelet!!! by kleinevos (moderator) 8 years ago

Just like usual :-)


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