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Color Combination ideas! by shannonclaire 8 years ago

Hey everybody! I've been in a rut lately when it comes to color combinations. I thought I'd make a forum so everyone could share some of their favorite color combos! My go-to is: mustard/gold yellow, dark teal, maroon and tan. I'm also a big fan of dark green to blue to brown gradients.

RE: Color Combination ideas! by Nelipot 8 years ago

I love purple and green or blue, yellow, gray. However, whenever I pick colors, I go off of how I feel what colors would look better with the pattern. I have a Pinterest board to help me envision some colors together.

RE: Color Combination ideas! by EdBlair 8 years ago

I try to have at least one dark color and one light color in the mix. I have found that if you have too many strings of the same (or similar) brightness level, even if they are different colors, they can get hard to tell apart if they show up next to each other in the pattern.

I did a pattern (#73100) with black, white, pale blue, pale green, and pale pink. All of the lighter colors blended together in a mess. I re-did the bracelet with a darker green, and a bright orange in place of the pink. The final result was:

RE: Color Combination ideas! by kleinevos (moderator) 8 years ago

I agree with EdBlair, different brightness levels are more important to me than different colors.
I like red, mixed with either yellow and orange, or turquoise, or green. And I usually add white, black and/or gray. Or very dark or light gradients of these colors.
I also like purple a lot.

RE: Color Combination ideas! by Neva 8 years ago

I love the color purple, I always find that most shades of it go very well with other colors. Green is also a good color, and black and white goes with everything.

RE: Color Combination ideas! by shannonclaire 8 years ago

Just found some awesome websites for color schemes! http://www.colourlovers.com/ and http://colorschemedesigner.com/csd-3.5/

RE: Color Combination ideas! by Sammoning (moderator) 8 years ago

Sometimes I just press the 'random pattern' button on this site a few times, to find a colorscheme that might look nice on the bracelet I'm about to make.

And you could type 'weekly contest' in the seacrh bar, they often have really pretty colorschemes from diferent users :)

My somehwat odd personal favorites are dark teal/purple and red/light blue.


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