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Make a Friendship Bracelet book? by Ghosttear 8 years ago

I don't know if this has every been brought up but I thought it would be cool if you guys made a book of patterns created from this website. I would go into detail but I write a lot so I will just keep it short. Cool way to make some profit and upgrade the site. I know I would buy some.

RE: Make a Friendship Bracelet book? by friends4art 8 years ago

I don't think that is legally possible because technically the patterns belong to the designers and each designer would have to consent. But a few years ago, I made a small binder of a few hundred of my favorite patterns. You might try the same.
If I ever happen to find it or redo said binder, I would be more than happy to share a digital copy with you.

RE: Make a Friendship Bracelet book? by kleinevos (moderator) 8 years ago

I think that's right, friends4art. All of the patterns posted here are free to use for everybody, but at the same time can't be used for making money, according to our own TOU. :-)

RE: Make a Friendship Bracelet book? by Ghosttear 8 years ago

Oh okay thank you! I would love that if possible friends4art. Thanks guys for the info.


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