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What to do with HUGE patterns? by the_redonewolf8 8 years ago

OK so I REALLY want to make certain patterns but when I make them I have NO IDEA what to use them for since they're so big. Anyone have any ideas?

RE: What to do with HUGE patterns? by kleinevos (moderator) 8 years ago

Wall-hanging, bookmark, box, coaster, bag, many possibilities :-)

RE: What to do with HUGE patterns? by frenchie63 8 years ago

You can also stitch it on a t-shirt or make a phone-case ;)

RE: What to do with HUGE patterns? by the_redonewolf8 8 years ago

Thank you! I'm going to try those! (AHH I'm so excited! I love doing this kind of thing!!!) :)

RE: What to do with HUGE patterns? by funofme 8 years ago

i like to make them into keychains (:


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