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Pattern Ideas by Jazzy5252 8 years ago

My friend has asked me to make a her a hat band it has to 60.5 cm long but only 1-2 cm wide. Does anyone have any pattern ideas that are thin but still pretty or intricate? Help would be much appreciated. :)

RE: Pattern Ideas by Lexi617 8 years ago

#1457 or #949 maybe? They're both pretty small.

RE: Pattern Ideas by Jazzy5252 8 years ago

Thanks Lexi617 :)

RE: Pattern Ideas by Mistalcreth 8 years ago

Looking at my own bracelets, made with anchor embroidery thread, I see that a 10-string bracelet is 1cm wide, and a 16-string bracelet is just under 2cm. You can search patterns by number of strings:


RE: Pattern Ideas by Jazzy5252 8 years ago

Thank you, that's really helpful.


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