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Normal Pattern distribution statistics by EdBlair 9 years ago

I calculated some statistics about the distribution of normal patterns on this site:

Total normal patterns as of April 4, 2015: 29866
% patterns with 15 or fewer strings: 49.5 %
% patterns with 16 or more strings: 51.5
% patterns with 47 or more strings: 2.2%

Bracelet size with the most # patterns: 12 strings with 3647 (12.2%)
Next most popular sizes: 8 strings with 2897 (9.7%)
: 10 strings with 2834 (9.5%)
: 16 strings with 2806 (9.4%)
: 14 strings with 2378 (8.0%)

Another interesting fact is that there are only 2235 patterns (7.5%) with an odd number of strings (less than 46 strings).
Odd Bracelet size with the most # patterns: 9 strings with 331 (1.1%)

Personally I enjoy doing patterns with an odd number of strings. I knew that they are not as favored as patterns with an even number of strings, but I did not realize how unbalanced the distribution is.

RE: Normal Pattern distribution statistics by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

:-) You've had a lot of work figuring this out..... And how many patterns are there with no pictures at all??


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