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Aphex Twin Pattern? by Ashleighhhx 9 years ago

Would anybody be able to make a bracelet (normal or alpha) of the Aphex Twin logo, with the smallest width possible.


RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by xisks 9 years ago

I'll try to do one looks like it'll be ..28x28? is that okay?

RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by Ashleighhhx 9 years ago

Oh thanks :)

Honestly, i was thinking smaller. i don't mind if it's not super detailed as long as it resembles the logo. If you can't though, 28x28 would still be much appreciated :)

RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by xisks 9 years ago

i did the 28x28 it really isnt detailed at all it hardly even looks like the logo i didnt think it would be recognizable at less than that ._.

RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by Ashleighhhx 9 years ago

ah okay
yeah 28x28 would be good then, thank you :))))

RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by xisks 9 years ago

Haha np im glad do help (: hopefully it'll get uploaded soon xd alphas seem to sometimes take a while though

RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by xisks 9 years ago

here it got posted: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/alpha_pattern.php?id=62079
i hope its okay

RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by Ashleighhhx 9 years ago

Ah, this is great thank you! :)

RE: Aphex Twin Pattern? by xisks 9 years ago

Glad to help (:


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