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Add words? by NightHawk 9 years ago

Hey could someone make me a pattern to add words to pattern #2071. Its small little foot prints and I would like to add the name owen onto it, preferably between two feet. If anyone could help me out as I have no idea how to create new patterns and the lettering has gotten me confused.
Thank you!

RE: Add words? by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

There are several patterns with letters available. You'll have to search for 'letter' 'font' or 'alphabet'.
#2071 is a 1212-pattern. If you search for a letter-pattern that's also 1212, you can simply add the letters to the footprints. The strings will match up.

We never accept word-patterns, unless it's an existing logo.

RE: Add words? by NightHawk 9 years ago

Thank you!


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