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Shop Advice by Riviera 9 years ago

Hey guys, I recently opened a storenvy shop and am looking for a little advice. My shop is here: http://artsfartsandcrafts.storenvy.com/ there isn't much in it yet, but I'm not confident in my descriptions. I think they are too short, but don't know what other information to give. I'm not totally sure about the prices either. Could someone give me some advice? Thanks.

RE: Shop Advice by xMacramex 9 years ago

I recently tried to open a storenvy shop, which failed, unfortunately :( I think that etsy.com is easier as far as selling bracelets is concerned. You can add as much pieces of information as you wish

RE: Shop Advice by Riviera 9 years ago

Etsy is definitely what people think of first as far as handmade shopping, but I am really hopping that this will work out. Etsy has so many complicated fees and I din't find it very easy to use. I'm sorry to hear about you shop.


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