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can someone please HELP me with string lentgh PLEASE!! X by ShuGal 9 years ago

I really want to make #81037 but I don't know where to start with regards to string length of wider bracelets, and I really don't want to put in all the effort into making it only to be left short. so if someone could give me some help id be very very Grateful.

its 38 strings in total.

and if you could tell me the length of the strings unfolded please then I cam double the ones that are repeats.

thank you :)

RE: can someone please HELP me with string lentgh PLEASE!! X by Sammoning (moderator) 9 years ago

What youwould ormally use plus add about 20 cm to white, 30 cm to black and 40 cm to the blues (d/c)

RE: can someone please HELP me with string lentgh PLEASE!! X by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

I always cut my strings 130 cm per string. It doesn't make any difference if it's a wide or a small pattern. It only makes a difference if the color is used a lot or not. And fb and bf-knots take a little more string than regular forward or backward-knots.

RE: can someone please HELP me with string lentgh PLEASE!! X by ShuGal 9 years ago

ok that helps allot thank you. x

RE: can someone please HELP me with string lentgh PLEASE!! X by xMacramex 9 years ago

I usually make it a little longer than needed because 1. After I make the bracelet, it is a lot easier to make the braids and 2. It's better to have excess string than not to have all the amount of string needed :P
Oh, I forgot to mention that I cut my strings twice my arm length and then I fold it in half :)


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