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Resizing Pictures by aunter 9 years ago

Hi. Can anyone help me with resizing a picture? I made an alpha panda bracelet and I uploaded it, but it turned out too small. How do I get it to be 50kb but at the same time a reasonable size for other users to see? Thank you

RE: Resizing Pictures by thematt711 9 years ago

Did you try the flash uploader?

RE: Resizing Pictures by aunter 9 years ago

No I saw the option but I didn't try it. I will try it and see if I can make it look bigger. Thanks

RE: Resizing Pictures by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

I always use apps for resizing. Usually VGA or HVGA is under 50kb and my pictures are always big enough.

RE: Resizing Pictures by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

O, and I just saw you uploaded a bigger picture, so I've deleted the small one!

RE: Resizing Pictures by aunter 9 years ago

thank you kleinevos I actually used sumopaint and it was really easy

RE: Resizing Pictures by xMacramex 9 years ago

you can try shriknpictures.com ;)

RE: Resizing Pictures by xMacramex 9 years ago

*shrinkpictures.com sorry;)


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