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Storing bracelets and finishing them by Annaknots 10 years ago

How should i store my bracelets? I currently keep them in boxes, but how do i store them with a nice display? also whats the best way to finish bracelets? thx :)

RE: Storing bracelets and finishing them by iheartmrbump 10 years ago

I actually hang mine on a curtain rod under my bead (I have a loft bed) and I tie them on there. Here's a link to a video I posted of it. [URL]http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n0x6PfZ7Rmo[URL]

RE: Storing bracelets and finishing them by iheartmrbump 10 years ago

The link didn't work here's the link http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n0x6PfZ7Rmo

RE: Storing bracelets and finishing them by Annaknots 10 years ago

Thanks. i need other ways too .. and how do i start them and finish em?

RE: Storing bracelets and finishing them by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

There are several ways of starting and ending . Go to 'tutorials' and you will find a lot that start with (( closures ))

The most easy way is using braids or rope- braids for both. The most common way is starting with a larksheadknot buckle and ending with braids.

But there are a lot more possibilities.

RE: Storing bracelets and finishing them by Annaknots 10 years ago

ok thanks you person ^^ and now, where should i store them ?????

RE: Storing bracelets and finishing them by Cass123 9 years ago

Line them on an empty paper towel roll. If you don't like the color of the roll and it shows, paint it a cool color or save up enough bracelets to cocker the entire roll, so no paper shows through!

RE: Storing bracelets and finishing them by Annaknots 9 years ago

I could really do that, thanks! but i dont buy paper towels. i could use toilet paper rolls.. idk. :( i keep it on a piece of cardboard with slits but i might change to your method.


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