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Where is the #64507 pattern ? by XcUiDi 10 years ago

Hi everybody... I like the #64507 pattern and made a bracelet with this pattern... but... I can't upload a photo because the pattern's disappeared!

I check the image link and is existing!
But the page of the pattern disappeared!

RE: Where is the #64507 pattern ? by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

It's a rejected pattern . . . I don't know why. Maybe the maker of the pattern requested it. If that's the case I can't bring it back I'm afraid.

RE: Where is the #64507 pattern ? by XcUiDi 10 years ago

I have some Patterns in "Rejected" status, because they are similar or duplicate for others... but this is original and I don't see any similar pattern...

I don't know why is in the "rejected" status.

RE: Where is the #64507 pattern ? by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

I checked and it's a pattern k_marie made. She wanted all of her patterns removed when she left the site.

RE: Where is the #64507 pattern ? by neese80 10 years ago

Yep, what kleinevos said. You can still upload a photo to the "how to upload photos to patterns" tutorial here

RE: Where is the #64507 pattern ? by XcUiDi 10 years ago

Oh! well. Ok... Can I remake the pattern and upload the image to this pattern ? Or what's the best solution? :)

RE: Where is the #64507 pattern ? by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

No, you can do as Neese80 said. If you post a remake it will be a stolen pattern . . . .

RE: Where is the #64507 pattern ? by XcUiDi 10 years ago



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