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Pokemon! by Mina 13 years ago

Hey everyone. I have these guy friends that are really into pokemon (but they're not nerds) and I was wondering if any of you guys could make some more pokemon bracelets. Thanks! =]

RE: Pokemon! by artemis 13 years ago


RE: Pokemon! by Mina 13 years ago

Thanks! But, I was really talking about normal patterns. They're easier to make for me at least. But, thanks anyways. I might do a few if and when I have the time.

RE: Pokemon! by Carrie 13 years ago

It's usually too hard to make a good image with more than two colors on a normal pattern, just because most are made with 1212 style.

RE: Pokemon! by Mina 13 years ago

Yeah, I know, but some people like making hard things. It takes up their time, I don't know.

RE: Pokemon! by artemis 13 years ago

And in 1212 style you will have to use a lot of thread, more than the alpha

RE: Pokemon! by lostflight2 13 years ago



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