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British Flag by tron 13 years ago

Could anyone who is good at generating patterns help with a Union Jack one??? There are a couple red, white, and blue variations...but not the exact one. Someone has already made a square pattern, but not an alpha one with the directions.... It would be much appreciated!!

RE: British Flag by craftaddict 13 years ago

So are you wanting an alpha pattern or a normal one?? Because the one alpha one that exists (A632) looks accurate to me. And if you want the directions of what knots to use, you can only use 2 colors.

RE: British Flag by tron 13 years ago

I did see the one that exists, and it does look really nice. I was hoping someone knew how to make a pattern/directions for that one with all three colors....
I saw some directions for variations with three colors, I guess that will have to do for now.
Thanks for the input!

RE: British Flag by craftaddict 13 years ago

I can attempt to make a regular pattern (that would show the knots) of a Union Jack. What is your "limit" on number of strings??

RE: British Flag by tron 13 years ago

I don't really have one I guess.....I do like larger bracelets, though :) Haven't tried much beyond the standard smaller patterns, but I have a friend who made a wider one and it looked really cool.
Thanks for any attempt!

RE: British Flag by craftaddict 13 years ago

I made an attempt with 15 strings and it wasn't working out very well. I will try again with a few more strings and see if that helps, but I might not be able to get to it right away since I have a lot going on right now.


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